Shoot Listen

Revealing the finest fusions of electronic music and PC shooter games for an Extreme Electronic Experience.

12 December 2008

Christmas shooters and beats

Any self-respecting PC gamer will know that this year's Christmas period has been even more special than last year's feast. The story is not the same for electronic music, with a weak release schedule suggesting the state of the music industry is becoming increasingly dire. I have chosen my favourites from the thriving shooter scene and a worryingly skimpy electronic music selection.


GTA IV - Finally released on PC. Neither a perfect game or a perfect conversion, but it's the most fun you'll have this Winter.

Left 4 Dead - Low on content, but high on co-op fun and zombies.

Far Cry 2 - This sandbox shooter has split people down the middle with the best graphics ever and awesome combat, but poorly simulated freedom.

Call of Duty: World At War - More impressive single-player action and multiplayer fun from the wildly popular series.


Mr Oizo - Lambs Anger - One of the most inventive and unique producers around is back with an album half-genius and half-rubbish.

Ricardo Villalobos - Vasco - The best techno producer in the world delivers another batch of sprawling, mind-blowing epics.

Last Step - 1961 - Aaron Funk's more laid-back alias outdoes his latest effort as Venetian Snares with an album of solid IDM.

1 comment:

Philippa Rice said...

It really is a weak 'beat' schedule this xmas. I don't really get music as xmas presents anyway so I'm not bothered. I'm more bothered about the lack of decent wii games...but It doesn't look like that will affect you much! (PC fan!)