Shoot Listen

Revealing the finest fusions of electronic music and PC shooter games for an Extreme Electronic Experience.

15 December 2008

Various news

GTA IV's Independence FM

Following on from my post in April when GTA IV was being enjoyed by console kids the world over and I was left wondering whether it would ever see the light of day on PC, Rockstar has indeed incorporated a user-built radio station into the ultimate version of its masterpiece. Players can choose to play their own track list either in order, shuffled or with DJ banter and adverts in between. Slick.


This had to happen eventually. A miniature download opens up a world of freely and legally streamable music with no buffering times. The free version is invite-only and an advert plays after every few songs, however an advert-free day pass costs 99p for account holders and a monthly subscription £9.99 for anyone. A peek into the future and definitely one to watch.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 confirmed

Infinity Ward has confirmed the unimaginative and confusingly named sequel to its much-loved shooter will be released in 2009 and has been roughly dated for Autumn.

1 comment:

Philippa Rice said...

Thanks for alerting me to spotify, sounds good! any chance of an invite?