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15 December 2011

My favourite and least favourite PC games of 2011

Favourites - in no particular order

Batman: Arkham City - such a slick game, probably the most impressive of the year.

Battlefield 3 - the single player wasn't much more than a tech demo, but the multiplayer has improved well over Bad Company 2.

Dead Island - a real surprise package. Was it going to be a clone of Dead Rising (which I don't enjoy) or Left 4 Dead? Turns it out was a weird but fascinating blend of the two.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Did a good job of living up to the name. Just a shame it had to be consolified in many ways, otherwise it could have been amazing.

Driver: San Francisco - this is the game that got the biggest grin out of me this year. Solid, smooth and enjoyable with a very clever gameplay innovation in Shift.

LIMBO - this is the best indie game of the year, and probably the most intriguing I've ever played.

Portal 2 - Delightful entertainment.

Least favourite

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - Quite possibly the most boring game I have ever played. All hell broke loose, and I yawned.

Crysis 2 - The game actually has fun multiplayer, and the single player has lots of positives, but I was devastated when I clocked on to the fact that you can stroll past all the enemies in cloak mode, even on hard difficulty. One of the worst flaws I've ever experienced in a game.

Homefront - A pointless, shameless game

Red Faction: Armageddon - Worst possible way to build on Guerrilla, swapping open-world for linear caves.

I have yet to play LA Noire and Saints Row The Third...